The Ideal Stage Manager at Bemidji Community Theater

The Stage Manager expedites the rehearsal process, so the Director and cast have time to work on the artistic qualities of the show.


  • Have excellent organizational skills.
  • Have the ability to communicate effectively.
  • Be knowledgeable in the use of excel and word documents.
  • Have a cell phone.
  • Be able to attend all rehearsals and performances.

In general, the Stage Manager:

  • Meets with the production team to determine needs and expectations.
  • Compiles a contact list (telephone numbers, addresses and email addresses for all cast and crew), and make sure all cast and crew have your contact information so you can be informed of absences and delays.
  • Creates the attendance calendar so that actors check in for each rehearsal/performance.
  • Makes sure there is a schedule of all rehearsals and performances.
  • Learns the names of all cast and crew members ASAP as well as parents’ names etc.
  • Make notes of blocking, needed stage furniture, costume and prop requirements.
  • Follow the script during rehearsals and prompt actors with lines.
  • Serve as Director in his/her absence.
  • Assist with auditions.
  • Plan for technical/physical needs of the production.
  • Other duties as agreed upon between you and the Director.
  • Plan sound and light cues with Director.
  • Help plan scene changes with backstage crew.
  • Post lists and plans for scene changes backstage regarding who does what and when.
  • Make sure all supplies needed by crew and actors are available.
  • Suggest, plan and lead warm-up exercises before each performance.
  • Make sure the cast is aware of "theater etiquette" and enforce the rules.
  • During performances, make sure all cast and crew are at the theater by call time. If not, contact them from your list.
  • Supervise pre-show preparations of set and props for performances.
  • Coordinate with the House Manager for closing the house, seating latecomers, possible technical delays.
  • Call all sound and light cues during rehearsals and performances.
  • Make sure all cast and crew are working on assigned tasks.
  • Make sure everyone is aware of safety issues and concerns.

You are second in command, so be flexible, be organized, and enjoy yourself. You are usually the calm in the storm, so keep your cool and treat everyone with respect and patience.