The Ideal House Manager at Bemidji Community Theater

The House Manager represents the "face" of Bemidji Community Theater and, as such, should provide a pleasant experience for our customers in the lobby and in the auditorium. The House Manager also handles all issues dealing with the general decorum of the show including the handling of ushers and procedures during intermission.


  • Have excellent "people" skills.
  • Have excellent organizational skills.
  • Have the ability to communicate effectively.
  • Develop a calling list of potential ushers. Glean this information from old lists, as well as contact groups such as 4H, Boys & Girls Clubs, Service Groups, the cast and crew, and friends.
  • Determine how many ushers will be needed for each performance and arrange for the appropriate number of ushers to fill those roles.
  • Become familiar with the facility and procedures regarding how to handle first aid or other emergencies, where handicapped accessible seating is, how to handle the hearing devices, concessions etc.
  • Consult with the Stage Manager to determine relationships between the two of you concerning:
    when to open and close the 'house' (the auditorium space).
    • seating late-comers
    • length of intermission
    • handling of concessions
  • Call ushers a day before they are needed to remind them of their commitment; be prepared to quickly locate substitutes.
  • Check washrooms for cleanliness and for adequate supplies (towels, tissues, cups).
    Instruct ushers to arrive one full hour before "curtain time" for you to go over instructions with them and for them to familiarize themselves with the facility and the show itself as to when the intermission begins etc.
  • Ushers control the auditorium, take tickets, hand out printed programs, and stop unwanted traffic.
  • Ushers help customers locate seats.
  • During intermission, ushers monitor the lines at the washrooms and consult with the Stage Manager as to when to close the house and begin the next act.
  • Arrange for who is to handle signaling customers when the intermission is about to end.
  • Arrange for who is to guard the doors to prevent food or drink from entering the auditorium.
  • Go over procedures for ushers to sell concessions.
  • Turn in all ticket stubs to the Box Office Manager.
  • Patrol the aisles to pick-up trash, and search for lost-and-found items (take to box office).
  • Check on the next day's supply of printed programs.
  • Thank the ushers for their volunteering.